Health Review on Asthma

The health effects of MMA are well understood. MMA liquid is recognized as being irritating to the eyes and is a weak skin-sensitizer that may cause skin allergy (allergic contact dermatitis) following skin contact. High concentrations of the vapor are also irritating to the respiratory system. As irritant vapors (cold air, smoke etc.) may worsen the symptoms in individuals that have sensitive airways, such as asthmatics it is not surprising that there has been much debate and confusion about whether or not MMA exposure can also cause respiratory sensitization (occupational asthma).  Dr. Jonathan Borak, MD, DABT (Departments of Epidemiology and Public Health and Medicine, Yale University) conducted a critical review all the available information and the results are included in a publication in Critical Reviews in Toxicology in which he concludes that the "weight of evidence" supports the conclusion that "MMA is not a respiratory sensitizer". For for information, see Methacrylates and Asthma.

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